Monday, November 19, 2012

Sleep is a Luxury for Moms

'You have got to be kidding me!'... These were my exact words last night, when I was down with flu, stuffy nose and aching back.

Lo and behold! my son Enzo was also having a bad night, tossing and turning.. kept crying and just wanted to be hugged and carried. I've tried dancing him around the house, singing, putting on lullabye music but nothing seemed to work. I couldn't figure out if he had a tummyache or because he was teething. So i ended up carrying him around until 4am.. watched Disney Junior with him until 6am, this time he just wanted to be left alone sitting on our bed until he just fell asleep by himself. Whew!

I drank my meds and and cuddled in my blanket and got to sleep for 1 precious hour until i have to get up again.

The day dragged on with emails and errands.. Luckily, i get to work at home and Enzo cooperated! :)
He was in a happy playful mood, and had a long nap in the afternoon too! I guess it's because he's teething that's why he's in a bad mood sometimes and, he keeps biting my arm, hand, and sometimes my toe!

I have a long way to learn the techniques of being a mom, I hope i'm doing things right. I hope my son feels loved and never neglected amidst our busy schedule. I hope he grows up like his Dad, responsible and God-fearing.

Enzo is 10 months today. I am amazed how time is flying by so fast and he's so big already. I look at him and my heart melts... Sooner or later, my baby will grow up and won't cry for mommy anymore, won't kiss me in public and will have a girlfriend. (ugh!)

My love Enzo, you will forever be my baby. Mommy and Daddy loves you!

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